Aqua Vault water meter vaults protect us from multiple situations and dangers.
Here are a few:
- Protection against back flow and water contamination
- Detector valves check for back flow (outgoing sewage on its way to waste-treatment facilities that gets backed up into the incoming, pure water). This prevents many types of diseases caused by bacteria and other germs in the out-going sewage.
- Protection against extreme temperatures and the weather
Water meter vaults insulate the water meter from the extremes of temperature that can cause damage to the meter and distort reported water usage. This insulation also protects against storms, earthquakes, floods, and other natural causes of damage.
- Protection from mankind and man-made systems and equipment
People, lawn mowers, sprinkler systems, cars, bicycles, and anything else that comes onto your property can cause damage to a water meter. Aqua Vault provides protection against all these possibilities.
- Protection from leaks in sprinkler systems
Our water meter vault has a valve that checks for leaks in fire-prevention sprinkling systems and lawn sprinkler systems.
- Protection from water pressure damage
Extremely high water pressure can do intense damage, including destroying pipes and flooding properties. Aqua Vault has a detector valve that checks the water pressure level and adjusts it according to need.
- Off/on switch in case of leaks
The Aqua Vault water meter vault assembly also has a ball valve that can be used to turn off the water in the building in case of water leaks or other emergencies.